Source code for pycpa.util

| Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Philip Axer, Jonas Diemer
| TU Braunschweig, Germany
| All rights reserved.
| See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.

         - Philip Axer
         - Jonas Diemer


Various utility functions

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division

import fractions
import logging
import random
import math
import itertools
import functools
from collections import deque

logger = logging.getLogger("pycpa")

# time bases
ps = 1000000000000
ns = 1000000000
us = 1000000
ms = 1000
s = 1

[docs]def window(seq, n=2): """Returns a sliding window (of width n) over data from the iterable s -> (s0,s1,...s[n-1]), (s1,s2,...,sn), ...""" it = iter(seq) result = tuple(itertools.islice(it, n)) if len(result) == n: yield result for elem in it: result = result[1:] + (elem,) yield result
[docs]def uunifast(num_tasks, utilization): """ Returns a list of random utilizations, one per task [0.1, 0.23, ...] WCET and event model (i.e. PJd) must be calculated in a second step) """ sum_u = utilization util = list() for i in range(1, num_tasks): next_sum_u = sum_u * math.pow(random.random(), 1.0 / float(num_tasks - i)) util.append(sum_u - next_sum_u) sum_u = next_sum_u util.append(sum_u) return util
[docs]def get_next_tasks(task): """ return the list of next tasks for task object. required for _breadth_first_search """ return task.next_tasks
[docs]def generate_distance_map(system): """ Precomputes a distance-map for all tasks in the system. """ dist = dict() for r in system.resources: for t in r.tasks: dist[t] = dijkstra(t) return dist
[docs]def dijkstra(source): """ Calculates a distance-map from the source node based on the dijkstra algorithm The edge weight is 1 for all linked tasks """ dist = dict() previous = dict() # since we don't have a global view on the graph, we aquire a set of all # nodes using BFS nodes = breadth_first_search(source) for v in nodes: dist[v] = float('inf') previous[v] = None # init source dist[source] = 0 # working set of nodes to revisit Q = nodes.copy() while len(Q) > 0: # get node with minimum distance u = min(Q, key=lambda x: dist[x]) if dist[u] == float('inf'): break # all remaining vertices are inaccessible from source Q.remove(u) for v in u.next_tasks: # where v has not yet been removed from Q. alt = dist[u] + 1 if alt < dist[v]: dist[v] = alt previous[v] = u Q.add(v) return dist
[docs]def additive_extension(additive_func, q, q_max, cache=None, cache_offset=1): """ Additive extension for event models. Any sub- or super- additive function additive_func valid in the domain q \in [0, q_max] is extended and the approximited value f(q) is returned. NOTE: this cannot be directly used with delta curves, since they are "1-off", thus if you supply a delta function to additive_func, note to add 1 and supply q-1. e.g. util.additive_extension(lambda x: self.delta_min(x + 1), n - 1, q_max) """ if cache is None: cache = dict() assert q_max > 0 d = cache.get(q + cache_offset, None) # cache is in delta domain (thus +1) if d is None: if q <= q_max: d = additive_func(q) elif q == float('inf'): d = float('inf') else: div = q // q_max rem = q % q_max d = div * additive_func(q_max) + additive_func(rem) cache[q + cache_offset] = d return d
[docs]def recursive_max_additive(additive_func, q, q_max, cache=None, cache_offset=1): """ Sub-additive extension for event models. Any sub-additive function additive_func valid in the domain q \in [0, q_max] is extended and the value f(q) is returned. It is optional to supply a cache dictionary for speedup. NOTE: this cannot be directly used with delta curves, since they are "1-off", thus if you supply a delta function to additive_func, note to add 1 and supply q-1. e.g. ret = util.recursive_max_additive(lambda x: self.delta_min(x + 1), n - 1, q_max, self.delta_min_cache) By default, the cache is filled according to the delta domain notion, so it can be used with delta-based event models. To override this behavior, change the cache_offset parameter to zero """ if cache is None: cache = dict() if q <= q_max: return additive_func(q) else: ret = 0 for a in range(1, q_max + 1): b = cache.get(q - a + cache_offset, None) # cache is in delta domain (thus +1) if b is None: b = recursive_max_additive(additive_func, q - a, q_max, cache, cache_offset) cache[q - a + cache_offset] = b # print a, q - a, additive_func(a), b, additive_func(a) + b ret = max(ret, additive_func(a) + b) # print ret return ret
[docs]def recursive_min_additive(additive_func, q, q_max, cache=None, cache_offset=1): """ Super-additive extension for event models. Any additive function additive_func valid in the domain q \in [0, q_max] is extended and the value f(q) is returned. It is optional to supply a cache dictionary for speedup. NOTE: this cannot be directly used with delta curves, since they are "1-off", thus if you supply a delta function to additive_func, note to add 1 and supply q-1. e.g. ret = util.recursive_min_additive(lambda x: self.delta_plus(x + 1), n - 1, q_max, self.delta_plus_cache) By default, the cache is filled according to the delta domain notion, so it can be used with delta-based event models. To override this behavior, change the cache_offset parameter to zero """ if cache is None: cache = dict() if q <= q_max: return additive_func(q) else: ret = float('inf') for a in range(1, q_max + 1): b = cache.get(q - a + cache_offset, None) # cache is in delta domain (thus +1) if b is None: b = recursive_min_additive(additive_func, q - a, q_max, cache, cache_offset) cache[q - a + cache_offset] = b # print a, q - a, additive_func(a), b, additive_func(a) + b ret = min(ret, additive_func(a) + b) return ret
[docs]def str_to_time_base(unit): """ Return the time base for the string """ conversion = {'s': s, 'ms': ms, 'us': us, 'ns': ns, 'ps': ps} if unit in conversion: return conversion[unit] else: raise ValueError
[docs]def time_base_to_str(t): """ Return the time base for the string """ conversion = {s: 's', ms: 'ms', us: 'us', ns: 'ns', ps: 'ps'} if t in conversion: return conversion[t] else: raise ValueError
def calculate_base_time(frequencies): common_timebase = LCM(frequencies) if common_timebase > ps: error_msg = "high base-time value! consider using ps instead" logger.error(error_msg) return int(common_timebase)
[docs]def cycles_to_time(value, freq, base_time, rounding="ceil"): """ Converts the cycle/bittimes to an absolute time in base_time """ scaler = fractions.Fraction(base_time, freq) value = fractions.Fraction(value) if rounding == "ceil": return int(fractions.math.ceil(value * scaler)) elif rounding == "floor": return int(fractions.math.floor(value * scaler)) else: raise NotImplementedError("rounding %s not supported" % rounding)
[docs]def time_to_time(value, base_in, base_out, rounding="ceil"): """ Convert an absolute time given in base_in to another absolute time given in base_out """ scaler = fractions.Fraction(base_out) / fractions.Fraction(base_in) if rounding == "ceil": return int(fractions.math.ceil(value * scaler)) elif rounding == "floor": return int(fractions.math.floor(value * scaler)) else: raise NotImplementedError("rounding %s not supported" % rounding)
[docs]def time_to_cycles(value, freq, base_time, rounding="ceil"): """ Converts an absolute time given in the base_time domain into cycles """ scaler = fractions.Fraction(base_time, freq) value = fractions.Fraction(value) if rounding == "ceil": return int(fractions.math.ceil(value / scaler)) elif rounding == "floor": return int(fractions.math.floor(value / scaler)) else: raise NotImplementedError("rounding %s not supported" % rounding)
[docs]def gcd(a, b): """Return greatest common divisor using Euclid's Algorithm.""" return fractions.gcd(a, b)
[docs]def lcm(a, b): """ Return lowest common multiple.""" return (a * b) / gcd(a, b)
[docs]def GCD(terms): """ Return gcd of a list of numbers.""" return functools.reduce(fractions.gcd, terms)
[docs]def LCM(terms): """Return lcm of a list of numbers.""" return functools.reduce(lcm, terms)
[docs]def combinations_with_replacement(iterable, r): """combinations_with_replacement('ABC', 2) --> AA AB AC BB BC CC """ # number items returned: (n+r-1)! / r! / (n-1)! pool = tuple(iterable) n = len(pool) if not n and r: return indices = [0] * r yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices) while True: for i in reversed(list(range(r))): if indices[i] != n - 1: break else: return indices[i:] = [indices[i] + 1] * (r - i) yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices)
[docs]def get_path(t_src, t_dst): """ Find path between tasks t_src and t_dst. Returns a path as list() or None if no path was found. NOTE: There is no protection against cycles! """ def _get_path_recursive(t_src, t_dst): if t_src == t_dst: return (True, [t_src]) for t in t_src.next_tasks: (found_dst, v) = _get_path_recursive(t, t_dst) if found_dst: return (True, [t_src] + v) return (False, None) (path_found, path) = _get_path_recursive(t_src, t_dst) return path
[docs]def time_str_to_time(time_str, base_out, rounding="ceil"): """ Convert strings like "100us" or "10 ns" to an integer representation in base_out. """ import re m = re.match(r"([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)(\ *)([a-zA-Z]+)", time_str) assert len(m.groups()) == 3 value_str = space_str = time_base_str = assert len(time_str) == len(value_str) + len(space_str) + len(time_base_str) value_float = float(value_str) value_int = time_to_time(value_float, str_to_time_base(time_base_str), base_out, rounding) assert ((value_float == 0.0 and value_int == 0) or (value_float > 0.0 and value_int > 0)), "[ERROR] pycpa:util.time_str_to_time(): could not convert %f %s to %s without precision loss." % (value_float, time_base_str, time_base_to_str(base_out)) return value_int
[docs]def bitrate_str_to_bits_per_second(bitrate_str): """ Convert bitrate strings like "100MBit/s" or "1 Gbit/s" to an integer representation in Bit/s. """ import re m = re.match(r"([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)(\ *)([a-zA-Z])([bB]it/s)", bitrate_str) assert len(m.groups()) == 4 value_str = space_str = scale = bits_str = assert len(bitrate_str) == len(value_str) + len(space_str) + len(scale) + len(bits_str) assert len(scale) == 1 assert re.match(r"[kKmMgG]", scale) != None if re.match(r"[kK]", scale): bits_per_second_int = int(float(value_str) * 1000.0) elif re.match(r"[mM]", scale): bits_per_second_int = int(float(value_str) * 1000000.0) elif re.match(r"[gG]", scale): bits_per_second_int = int(float(value_str) * 1000000000.0) else: assert False return bits_per_second_int
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