Source code for pycpa.plot

| Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Jonas Diemer, Philip Axer
| TU Braunschweig, Germany
| All rights reserved.
| See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.

         - Jonas Diemer
         - Philip Axer


General purpose plotting functions:
* event model plotting
* gantt plotting (requires the simulation engine)

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division

    from matplotlib import ticker
    from matplotlib import pyplot
    from matplotlib import patches
    from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
    import matplotlib as mpl
except ImportError:
    print ("matplotlib not available, plotting disabled")

import math

[docs]def augment_range(plot_range): """ Adds points around every point in plot_range for accurately plotting integer-based curves """ a_range = plot_range + [x + 0.0001 for x in plot_range] + [x - 0.0001 for x in plot_range] a_range.sort() a_range = [x for x in a_range if x >= 0] # clear out negative values return a_range
[docs]def plot_eta(eta, plot_range, label=None, color=None, show=False,filename=None): """ Plot an eta function """ pyplot.figure() pyplot.grid(True) # range including surroundings of integers to get the steps right augmented_range = plot_range + [x + 0.0001 for x in plot_range] + [x - 0.0001 for x in plot_range] augmented_range.sort() pyplot.plot(augmented_range, [eta(x) for x in augmented_range], label=label, color=color) pyplot.xlim(xmin=0) pyplot.ylim(ymin=0) pyplot.xlabel("$\Delta t$") if filename is not None: pyplot.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') if show:
[docs]def plot_event_model(model, num_events, file_format=None, separate_plots=True, file_prefix='', ticks_at_steps=False): """ Plot the Task's eta and delta_min functions. Intervals in eta are shown half-open, as defined in [Richter2005]_. :param model: the event model :type model: model.EventModel :param num_events: Number of events to plot :type n: integer :param file_format: the format of the file to be plotted :type file_format: string :param separate_plots: whether eta and delta plots should be combined :type separate_plots: bool :param file_prefix: prefix of file name of plots :type file_prefix: string :param ticks_at_steps: If True, draw the x-axis ticks at steps of the functions. Otherwise, let matplotlib decide where to draw ticks. :type ticks_at_steps: bool :rtype: None """ eps = 1e-1 # epsilon max_delta_t = model.delta_plus(num_events + 1) # create ranges which have one point at each step of eta steps_eta_plus = [model.delta_min(x) for x in range(num_events + 2)] steps_eta_min = [model.delta_plus(x) for x in range(num_events + 2)] steps_eta = sorted(set(steps_eta_min + steps_eta_plus)) # range including surroundings of integers augmented_range = sorted(steps_eta + [x + eps for x in steps_eta] + [x - eps for x in steps_eta]) w, h = pyplot.figaspect(0.7) pyplot.figure(figsize=(w, h)) # plot eta functions if not separate_plots: pyplot.subplot(121) pyplot.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.1, right=0.97, top=0.92, wspace=None, hspace=None) mpl.rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] = 0.3 #eta minus first (so it appears below in case of overlaps) pyplot.plot([0], [0], 'g-^', label="$\eta^-(\Delta t)$", markeredgecolor='k') #only one point for label + legend (with line and marker) pyplot.plot(augmented_range, [model.eta_min(x) for x in augmented_range], 'g-') # line only pyplot.plot(steps_eta_min, [model.eta_min(x) for x in steps_eta_min], 'g^', markeredgecolor='k') # inclusive markers pyplot.plot(steps_eta_min, [model.eta_min(x - eps) for x in steps_eta_min], 'w^', markeredgecolor='k') # exclusive markers #now eta plus on top pyplot.plot([0], [0], 'r-v', label="$\eta^+(\Delta t)$", markeredgecolor='k') #only one point for label + legend (with line and marker) pyplot.plot(augmented_range, [model.eta_plus(x) for x in augmented_range], 'r-') # line only pyplot.plot(steps_eta_plus, [model.eta_plus(x) for x in steps_eta_plus], 'rv', markeredgecolor='k') # inclusive markers pyplot.plot(steps_eta_plus, [model.eta_plus(x + eps) for x in steps_eta_plus], 'wv', markeredgecolor='k') # exclusive markers pyplot.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=max_delta_t) pyplot.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=num_events + .5) if ticks_at_steps: pyplot.xticks(steps_eta) pyplot.title("$\eta(\Delta t)$") pyplot.xlabel("$\Delta t$") pyplot.ylabel("$n$") pyplot.legend(loc='best') if separate_plots and file_format is not None: pyplot.savefig(file_prefix + "plot-eta." + file_format) ## plot delta functions if separate_plots: pyplot.figure() if not separate_plots: pyplot.subplot(122) range_delta = range(num_events + 1) # plot delta_min first so it appears below when overlapping pyplot.plot(range_delta, [model.delta_min(x) for x in range_delta], 'r^', markeredgecolor='k', label="$\delta^-(n)$") # plot delta_plus on top if model.delta_plus(2) < float('inf'): # only plot delta+ if it is not infinity pyplot.plot(range_delta, [model.delta_plus(x) for x in range_delta], 'gv', markeredgecolor='k', label="$\delta^+(n)$") pyplot.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=num_events + .5) pyplot.ylim(ymin=0) pyplot.title("$\delta(n)$") pyplot.xlabel("n") pyplot.ylabel("$\Delta t$") pyplot.legend(loc='best') if file_format is not None: if separate_plots: pyplot.savefig(file_prefix + "plot-delta_min." + file_format, bbox_inches='tight') else: pyplot.savefig(file_prefix + "plot." + file_format, bbox_inches='tight') else:
def aesthetic_paper_parameters(column_size=252): fig_width_pt = column_size # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth inches_per_pt = 1.0 / 72.27 # Convert pt to inch golden_mean = (math.sqrt(5) - 1.0) / 2.0 # Aesthetic ratio fig_width = fig_width_pt * inches_per_pt # width in inches fig_height = fig_width * golden_mean # height in inches fig_size = [fig_width, fig_height] params = { 'figure.dpi' : 72.27, 'axes.labelsize': 10, 'text.fontsize': 10, 'legend.fontsize': 10, 'xtick.labelsize': 8, 'ytick.labelsize': 8, 'text.usetex': True, 'figure.figsize': fig_size} print( params) return params
[docs]def plot_gantt(tasks, task_results, file_name=None, show=True, xlim=None, preemtion_bar_height=0.2, height=1, #height of the box during actual execution hdist=1, #vertical distance between two execution bars bar_linewidth=1, #linewidth of execution bars min_dist_arrows=0.2, # minimum distance between arrows (e.g. in case actications overlap plot_event_arrival=True, # plot arrival arrows plot_activation_finishing=False, # plot finishing arrows annotate_tasks=True, # annotate additional information task=None, # the task that should be annotated (draws a WCRT arrow for this task) wcrt_voffset=0.5, # amount of vertical distance used for the wcrt arrow annotation_offset=0.2, # offset of the annotation (q=1) text arrow_width=0.05, # arrow width arrow_head_width=0.4, arrow_head_length=0.2, arrow_xscale=1, #scaling for all arrow sizes in x direction arrow_yoffset=0.1, # arrow vertical offset xticks_only_on_changes=False, # place tick only when events happen color_preemtion_bar='0.30', color_execution_bar='lightblue', title='Gantt', # title number_xticks=20, # scale xtick values ): """ Plot a gantt chart of a given task list. Execution time information is taken from the task attribute q_exec_windows which is written by the simulation framework """ #matplotlib.rcParams.update(aesthetic_paper_parameters(column_size = 2 * 252)) w, h = pyplot.figaspect(0.4) fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(w * 0.5, h * 0.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ypos = 0 yticks = list() xticks = set() #arrows = list() pyplot.title(title) arrow_width *= arrow_xscale arrow_head_width *= arrow_xscale for t in tasks: parts = list() yticks.append(ypos) # append a y-tick, so we see a dashed line here if not hasattr(t, 'q_exec_windows'): print( "task %s has no q_exec_windows assigned! use to simulate the CI" % exit(-1) # broken bar segments for part in t.q_exec_windows: parts += part #print "orig parts",, parts #print "orig execwindows", t.q_exec_windows, parts if len(parts) == 0: ypos -= (hdist + height) continue # Draw bar segments parts = [(p[0], p[1] - p[0]) for p in parts] # transform coordinates to the form (start, length) for p in parts: xticks.add(p[0]) xticks.add(p[1]) # draw the bars verically aligned to ypos, so that ypos is the middle of the bar ax.broken_barh(parts, (ypos - height / 2. , height), facecolors=color_execution_bar, alpha=1, linewidth=bar_linewidth) # draw preemtion times, activation and response time arrows xposshift = 0 for q in range(0, len(t.q_exec_windows)): #draw actication arrows xpos = t.in_event_model.delta_min(q + 1) #draw the the preemption bars #print t.q_exec_windows[q] task_activity_end = t.q_exec_windows[q][-1][1] ax.broken_barh([(xpos, task_activity_end - xpos)], (ypos - preemtion_bar_height / 2. , preemtion_bar_height), facecolors=color_preemtion_bar, edgecolor=color_preemtion_bar, alpha=1, zorder=0) # check if there are multiple activations right after each other # we don't want them to overlap, s if q >= 1: if abs(xpos - t.in_event_model.delta_min(q)) < min_dist_arrows: xposshift += min_dist_arrows else: xposshift = 0.0 if plot_event_arrival == True: # Draw activation times activation_arrow = patches.FancyArrow(xpos + xposshift, ypos + arrow_yoffset, 0, height / 2. , length_includes_head=True, width=arrow_width, head_width=arrow_head_width, head_length=arrow_head_length, facecolor='black', alpha=1) ax.add_patch(activation_arrow) if plot_activation_finishing == True: # Draw finishing times q_wcrt = t.q_exec_windows[q][-1][1] response_arrow = patches.FancyArrow(q_wcrt, ypos - arrow_yoffset, 0, -height / 2. , length_includes_head=True, width=arrow_width, head_width=arrow_head_width, head_length=arrow_head_length, facecolor='black', alpha=1) ax.add_patch(response_arrow) if annotate_tasks == True and (task and task == t): first_segment = t.q_exec_windows[q][0][0] text = '$q=%d$' % (q + 1) #if (annotate_wcrt and annotate_wcrt != t): # text = '$t=%.0f$' % (first_segment) #ax.text(first_segment + annotation_offset, ypos + height / 2. + annotation_offset, text, # horizontalalignment = 'left', # verticalalignment = 'bottom') ax.text(first_segment + annotation_offset, ypos - height / 2., text, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom') if task and task == t: print( task_results[t].q_wcrt) wcrt_start = t.in_event_model.delta_min(task_results[t].q_wcrt) wcrt_end = task_results[t].wcrt + wcrt_start annotation_ypos = ypos - height / 2. - wcrt_voffset wcrt_arrow = patches.FancyArrowPatch((wcrt_start, annotation_ypos), (wcrt_end, annotation_ypos), arrowstyle="<->", mutation_scale=20.) ax.add_patch(wcrt_arrow) ax.text(wcrt_start + task_results[t].wcrt / 2., annotation_ypos, 'WCRT=%.1f' % (task_results[t].wcrt), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', backgroundcolor='white') ypos -= (hdist + height) xticks = sorted(list(xticks)) ax.set_xlabel('time $\Delta t$') ax.set_yticks(yticks) # add the ypos markers for each task if xticks_only_on_changes == True: ax.set_xticks(xticks) else: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(number_xticks, steps=[1, 2, 5])) ax.set_yticklabels([ for t in tasks]) # set tasknames ax.autoscale_view(tight=True, scalex=True, scaley=True) # autoscale first ax.set_ylim(ypos + height / 2. , height) # set ylim manual if xlim: ax.set_xlim(-arrow_head_width, xlim) ax.grid(True) if file_name is not None: pyplot.savefig(file_name, bbox_inches='tight') if show:
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4