Source code for pycpa.graph

| Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Jonas Diemer, Philip Axer
| TU Braunschweig, Germany
| All rights reserved.
| See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.

         - Jonas Diemer
         - Philip Axer


This module contains methods to plot task/architecture graphs of your system

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division

import sys

from . import model

def get_junction_name(j):
    name = 'Junction ' + + ":"
    for p in j.prev_tasks:
        name += + ","
    return name

[docs]class dotgraph(object): """ Minimalistic implementation of the pygraphviz API. With this, you can write graphs to a file. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.dot_str = 'strict digraph {\n' self.dot_str += 'graph' + self._str_attr(kwargs) #[conpound=true, ordering=out, rankdir=LR, remincross=true\n' self.dot_str += ';\n' self.node_strs = dict() def _str_attr(self, attr): first = True node_str = '[' for k,v in attr.items(): if first: first = False else: node_str += ',\n' node_str += '%s=\"%s\"' % (k,v) node_str += ']' return node_str def add_subnode(self, name, **kwargs): node_str = '"{name}"'.format(name=name) node_str += self._str_attr(kwargs) + ';\n' self.node_strs [name] = node_str def add_node(self, name, **kwargs): self.add_subnode(name, **kwargs) self.dot_str += self.node_strs[name] def add_subgraph(self, nodes, name): subgraph_str = 'subgraph "{name}"'.format(name=name) subgraph_str += '{\n' for n in nodes: subgraph_str += ' ' + self.node_strs[n] + '\n' subgraph_str += '}\n' self.dot_str += subgraph_str def add_edge(self, n1, n2, **kwargs): edge_str = '"{n1}" -> "{n2}"'.format(n1=n1, n2=n2) edge_str += self._str_attr(kwargs) + ';\n' self.dot_str += edge_str def write(self, filename): f = open(filename, 'w') dot_str = self.dot_str + '}\n' # close graph f.write(dot_str) def has_node(self, name): return name in self.node_strs def layout(self, l): pass def draw(self, path=None, format=None, prog='dot'): import os from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # try to guess format from extension if format is None and path is not None: format=os.path.splitext(path)[-1].lower()[1:] dot_str = '' + self.dot_str + '}\n' # close graph cmd = '{prog} -T{fmt} -o {path}'.format(prog=prog, fmt=format, path=path) p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: p.communicate(input=dot_str) else: p.communicate(input=bytes(dot_str, 'utf-8')) def string(self): dot_str = self.dot_str + '}\n' # close graph return dot_str
[docs]def graph_system(s, filename=None, layout='dot', empty_resources=False, short_tasks=False, exec_times=False, sched_param=False, rankdir='LR', show=False, dotout=None, use_pygraphviz=False, chains=list() ): """ Return a graph of the system :param s: the system :type s: model.System :param filename: if not None, the graph is plotted to this file :param layout: graphviz layout algorithm (default l'dot' works best with hierarchical graphs) :param empty_resources: Plot resources that have no tasks assigned :param short_tasks: Label tasks using "T_nn" instead of their potentially long name :param exec_times: Show execution times for each tasks :param sched_param: Show scheduling parameter for each task :param rankdir: Layout option for graphviz :param show: Show plot :type show: boolean :param dotout: If set, write a dot file to this filename :rtype: None """ if use_pygraphviz: import pygraphviz g = pygraphviz.AGraph(directed='true', compound='true', rankdir=rankdir, remincross='true', ordering='out' ) else: g = dotgraph(directed='true', compound='true', rankdir=rankdir, remincross='true', ordering='out' ) # first, create all nodes task_num = 0 elen = 10 for r in s.resources: if len(r.tasks) == 0 and not empty_resources: continue # dont plot resources without tasks if g.has_node( print("graph_system warning: duplicate resource %s", g.add_subnode(, color='#aaaacc', shape='none') res_tasks = [] for t in r.tasks: if g.has_node( print("graph_system warning: duplicate task %s", if short_tasks: lab = "T_" + str(task_num) task_num += 1 else: lab = if exec_times: lab += '(%g,%g)' % (t.bcet, t.wcet) if sched_param: lab += ' param: %s' % (str(t.scheduling_parameter)) g.add_subnode(, label=str(lab)) res_tasks.append( if t.mutex is not None: g.add_node(, color='#aaccaa', shape='hexagon') for nt in t.next_tasks: if isinstance(nt, model.Junction): g.add_node(get_junction_name(nt), label=nt.mode, shape='diamond') g.add_subgraph(res_tasks, str("cluster_" + # now come the connections for r in s.resources: for t in r.tasks: for nt in t.next_tasks: if isinstance(nt, model.Junction): g.add_edge(, get_junction_name(nt), len=elen) # edge to junction for jnt in nt.next_tasks: # edges from junction g.add_edge(get_junction_name(nt),, len=elen, constraint='True') else: g.add_edge(,, len=elen, constraint='True') if t.mutex is not None: g.add_edge(,, color='#aaccaa', len=1) if t.prev_task is None: g.add_node(str(t.in_event_model), len=10 * elen, style='dashed') g.add_edge(str(t.in_event_model),, constraint='True', style='dashed') for c in chains: sequence = c.tasks for i in range(len(sequence)-1): g.add_edge(sequence[i], sequence[i+1], len=elen, style='dotted', arrowhead='open', color='blue') if filename is not None: g.draw(filename, prog=layout) if show: try: g.draw(prog='dot', format='xlib') except IOError: pass if dotout is not None: g.write(dotout) return g
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